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Installing Hash Studios Water


Version: This guide is for Unity 2022.3.6f1. The steps may be different in future versions of Unity.


Important: This prefab is only compatible with PC or PC VR and does not work on Android / Quest platforms.

Hash Studios Water is a developer tool that makes it easy for world creators to mimic the vision of being underwater. This guide will walk you through the installation process for Hash Studios Water.


You can learn how to set up your project beforehand at our project setup guide.

Installation Steps

1. Download and Import the Prefab

  1. Download the Hash Studios Water prefab from our website.
  2. Import the prefab into your Unity project:
    • In Unity, go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package...
    • Locate and select the downloaded prefab package.
    • Click Import to add the prefab to your project.

2. Add the Prefab to Your World

  1. Drag the prefab into your world from the Project window.
  2. Right-click on the prefab in the Hierarchy window and select Prefab > Unpack Prefab.

2. Set Up Water Zones


For more detailed information on configuring Trigger Boxes, visit our Trigger & Box Collider Guide.

  1. Find a collider you want to use as a water zone and make it a trigger collider:
    • Select the GameObject with the collider in the Hierarchy window.
    • In the Inspector window, check the Is Trigger box under the collider component.
  2. Add any colliders to the Hash Studios Water prefab to define the areas where the "water" effect should be applied.

3. Reference the Camera

  1. Find the main camera in your world.
  2. Ensure it is referenced in your VRCSceneDescriptor as the camera that your players will use:
    • Select the VRCSceneDescriptor GameObject in the Hierarchy window.
    • In the Inspector window, assign the main camera to the Reference Camera field.

4. Set Up Post Processing


For more detailed information on configuring Post Processing, visit our Post Processing Guide.

  1. Set up a post processing layer component on the main camera and set it to default.

5. Test the Underwater Effect

  1. Enter the trigger box you added to the prefab. When your head is under the water, you should see the underwater visual effect.

By following these steps, you can successfully install Hash Studios Water and create immersive underwater experiences in your virtual world.

For more detailed information and resources, visit the Official Website or watch the YouTube Tutorial.